May 16th  1803



JAMES ALWAY,  respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that he succeeds his Mother JANE ALWAY, in the above Inn, and which is fitted up with every conveniency for the Accommodation of the Nobility, Gentry, and Gentlemen Travellers, who he assures will find at his House, excellent Beds, good Stabling, and the choicest Wines, with neat Post Chaises, able Horses, and careful Drivers.

All Persons who have any Demands on the Estate and Effects of the late Mrs ALWAY, deceased, are requested to transmit an Account of the same to JAMES ALWAY, her Son, who will discharge them; and all Persons who are indebted to the said Estate, are hereby requested to pay the Amount to the said JAMES ALWAY.

N.B. Moretonhampstead is distant from Exeter twelve Miles; from Two Bridges on the Moor twelve Miles, where a Chaise is now kept; from Two Bridges to Plymouth, the Distance is only sixteen Miles, being four Miles nearer than any other Post Road to Plymouth, through which Places the Road is in excellent Repair.

May 18th 1815



CHARLES HAMBLETON begs respectfully to inform the nobility, gentry, commercial gentlemen, and the public in general, that he has TAKEN and ENTERED ON the above INN, which he has fitted up in a neat and comfortable manner, and trusts by a strict attention to business to merit the continuance and support of the public.

By the new line of  road the steep hills between Moreton and Exeter are avoided, and as the road over the Moor, and the different cross roads in the vicinity of Moreton, have of late undergone considerable repair, and are still improving, posting and every kind of travelling is now rendered perfectly convenient.


February 19 1816



To be SOLD by auction, by Mr Benton, on the premises of Mr Hambleton, the White Hart Inn, in Moretonhampstead, on Tuesday, the 5th of March next, and following days, all the neat and genuine HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, STOCK IN TRADE &c.; consisting of mahogany four-post and other bedsteads, with mattresses; 14 prime feather beds; bolsters, pillows, and bedding complete; mahogany dining, card, tea, Pembroke, and other tables; mahogany, painted, and other chairs; beaureau and drawers; floor and bedside carpets; pier and swing glasses; night and bason-stands; all kinds of kitchen and dairy utensils; glass, china, and earthenware; two good post-chaises, one nearly new; four excellent horses and harness; one cart and harness; a quantity of dung, &c &c.

Sale to begin at Eleven o?Clock in the Forenoon each Day.

February 20th 1816


TO be LET for a term, or SOLD in FEE, the WHITE HART, at Moretonhampstead.

Possession may be had on the  9th of March, and half the Purchase Money, if required, may remain on the security of the premises.

For further particulars, apply to J. Tarr, Moretonhampstead, if by letter, post-paid.

November 24th 1818



JAMES PELLEW, deeply impressed with gratitude for the numerous Favors conferred on him by the Nobility, Gentry, Commercial Gentlemen, and the Public in general, during his late residence at the Golden Lion Inn, Crockernwell, returns his sincere thanks, and begs leave to inform them, that he has

TAKEN and OPENED the above INN,

and has furnished it with every possible necessary to accommodate in the genteelest manner, those who shall be pleased to honour him with their support, And he shall ever think it his duty, as well as interest, to conduct himself so as to merit a continuance of their future favors.

Excellent Stabling, neat Post Chaises, with good Horses, and careful Drivers.

January 6th  1821


THERE will be a BALL at the WHITE HART INN, at Moretonhampstead, on WEDNESDAY the Seventeenth of January, 1821.    

             Gentlemen’s Admittance: 5s. 0d    Tea and Coffee included

             Ladies Ditto: 3s. 6d.      

There will be a DINNER at Four O’Clock, for such Gentlemen as please to dine, at Seven Shillings per Head & a Pint of Wine included.

SAMUEL CANN begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has OPENED the above INN, has Post-Chaises and good Horses, also good Beds and Accommodations, and solicits the honour of their patronage.

May 22nd 1861


MR. W.B. GERMON has received instructions from the Trustees (under the will of the late Mr Samuel Cann) to offer by Public Auction, at the WHITE HART HOTEL, on THURSDAY, the 13th day of JUNE next, at Three o?Clock in the Afternoon (subject to such conditions as will then be read), the undermentioned Lots of valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY: –

 Lot 1. All that old-established and well-known HOTEL  and POSTING-HOUSE, called the ‘WHITE HART HOTEL’ situate in the town of Moretonhampstead, comprising four sitting-rooms, twelve bedrooms, large dining-room, two kitchens, and all other necessary offices, together with a large yard, brewhouse, granary, coachhouse, stables, farmyard, cowhouses, and a capital walled garden.  The furniture and stock-in-trade, which are of very superior quality (including horses, flys, &c), may also be taken by the purchaser at a valuation.  The neighbourhood of Moreton being celebrated for its beautiful scenery, is much frequented by visitors during the summer months, and a most successful business has been carried on by the late owner for many years past.

Lot 2. All those newly-built and compact PREMISES, situate in Pound-street, in the above town, now in the occupation of Mr Samuel Hill and others, consisting of a convenient dwelling-house, malthouse, stable, courtlage, and walled garden, well adapted for carrying on a good malting business.

Lot 3.  All that productive WALLED GARDEN, situate on the east side of the Newton turnpike road, close to the town of Moreton, together with a valuable Manure Pit adjoining, commonly known as the ‘George Pit’.

The whole of the above premises are in excellent repair, and to persons desirous of entering on a thoroughly good and respectable business such an opportunity is rarely offered.

For viewing, apply on the Premises; and for all further particulars, to the AUCTIONEER; or to

Mr G.A. BRAGG, Solicitor, Moretonhampstead.

October 8th  1861


BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public that he has purchased from the Executors, and entered upon, the above old-established and well-known house, in which for the last thirty years the business has been so well and successfully carried on by the late Mr Samuel Cann.

T. Pollard assures those who have been accustomed to visit the White Hart, that no trouble or expense will be spared to maintain the well-deserved character of the Hotel in every respect, and hopes by following the rule of his predecessor in keeping the best articles of every kind and attending to the comfort of his guests, to be favoured with a continuance of their support, and also of the patronage of those who may favour this healthy and romantic neighbourhood with a visit.

Excellent trout fishing within easy distances in the rivers Teign, Dart, and Bovey, and a capital pack of hounds kept close to the town.

Good stabling and coach-houses, neat flys and post-horses at the shortest notice.

[We have the deeds of the sale to Thomas Pollard in 1861, with a plan]

July 6th 1881


MR A.C. LOVEYS will Offer for SALE, by Auction, on the Premises, on Tuesday, the 19th of July next, at Three for Four O’Clock in the Afternoon, the fee-simple of and in all that desirable and well-accustomed Free Hotel and Posting House, known as the WHITE HART, in the town of Moretonhampstead, in which a lucrative business has been carried on for twenty years past by the owner and occupier thereof, who is retiring from business, for which retirement satisfactory reasons can be given.

Moretonhampstead is the terminus of a branch of the Great Western Railway from Newton Abbot, and from which a large posting trade is derived.

It is twelve miles from all the surrounding towns, has a good market and is the centre of a large agricultural district; the Petty Sessions, Highway Board, and other meetings are also held in the town.

Moretonhampstead is a point from which a large number of tourists visit Dartmoor and places of interest in the neighbourhood.

There is good shooting within easy distance, and fishing in the rivers Teign and Bovey.

Full particulars and conditions of sale may be had from the AUCTIONEER, at Moretonhampstead; of Messrs. J. and H. Drew, Surveyors, Queen Street, Exeter; or of Mr B.C. Gidley, Solicitor, Bedford circus, Exeter