Inscriptions on the gravestones in St Andrew’s Churchyard
(Section E)

Characters in italic type are unclear. Unreadable words are shown thus “……”

This list is divided into sections A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q corresponding to the areas of the graveyard.

The numbers allotted to the graves correspond to those given in the field “Graves” of the Burials table. If you want to search alphabetically for a surname for a burial before 1988, you can do a full search of the Burials Register file to find the grave number (if any)

Section E

E001: In memory of AMELIA HILL who departed this life 28th day of September 1834 aged 19 years.

E002: In loving memory of MARY ANNA the beloved wife of William PROWSE who died at Newton March 10th 1891 aged 25 years. Beloved in life. Lamented in death.

E003: In memory of SUSANNA ROLESTONE died 16 January 1853 aged 39 years. JOHN ROLESTONE who died …… 11 189? (possibly 1830) aged 73.

E004: In loving memory of ANN HUTCHINGS born October 12th 1825 died December 21st 1903. Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling. Also of ELIZABETH WARREN sister of the above who died May 9th 1905 aged 75 years. In the midst of life we are in death.

E005: In affectionate memory of WILLIAM HUTCHINGS of this parish (died) the 9th February 1881 aged 82 years. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Also ELIZABETH wife of the above William HUTCHINGS who departed this life on the 10th January 1892 aged 88 years.

E006: Sacred to the memory of RICHARD HUTCHINGS who departed this life July 19th 1870 aged 36 years.

E007: Sacred to the memory of SUSANNA the wife of Richard HUTCHINGS who departed this life the 30th April 1841 aged 73 years. Also RICHARD HUTCHINGS who died 12th May 1865 aged 93 years. Also of WILLIAM HUTCHINGS great nephew of the above died July 11th 1900 aged 72. In hope of a glorious resurrection.

E008: (Slate badly split).……ed 35 years. His end was peace. Also of CHARLOTTE wife of the above who slept in Jesus June 18th 1868 aged 36 years. (Name possibly MARSH).

E009: In memory of WILL TOZER who died the 24 of October 1812 aged 44 years.

E01: SAMUEL GRAY of 54 Blackman St., Boro, London. In affectionate remembrance of ELLEN JANE GRAY (Relict of Samuel Gray) who died July 12 1870 aged 39 years. …… who died at Moreton-hampstead April 14th 1863 aged 39 years. DONALD GRAY son of Samuel & Ellen Jane Gray who died April 31872 aged 11 years.

E010: In loving memory of FRANK HUTCHINGS who died May 20th 1922 aged 77 years. Also of ELIZABETH his beloved wife who died April 11th 1901 aged 41 years. Also two of their children, WILLIAM and FRANK aged 5 and 3 years. “In the midst of life we are in death”.

E011: Erected by his fellow servants to the memory of THOMAS WALTER EVANS who died July 9th 1861 aged 18 years. In the midst of life we are in death.

E012: In memory of GEORGE S. GRAY who died at 24 Blackman St., Boro, London, January 7th 1880 aged 22 years.

E013: In affectionate remembrance of SAMUEL GRAY who died the 20 June 1868 aged 18 yrs. 11 mths. Beloved in life Lamented in death. Also of ELEANOR mother of the above and wife of James GRAY who died 21st August 1892 aged 52 years. Also of the above JAMES GRAY who died September ……aged 87 years.

E013a: In memory of MARY wife of John GRAY who departed this life the 3rd day of September 1793 in the 27th year of her age. Also JAMES son of the above died the 30th day of June 1800 aged 7 years. Also of JOHN GRAY husband and father of the above who departed this life the 28th of June 1825 aged 59 years.

E014: Sacred to the memory of SAMUEL GRAY who departed this life August 10th 1839 aged 48 years. Also of four of his infant children. Also of MARY GRAY wife and mother died December 11th 1881 in her ninetieth year.

E016: Sacred to the memory of SAMUEL CANN who departed this life January the 11th 1816 aged 52 years.

E017: In loving memory of our dear father WILLIAM RICHD. FISHER passed away May 15th 1934 aged 78 years. Also of RICHARD son passed away Feb. 19th 1936 aged 35 years. Also of ELIZABETH wife of the above died Jany. 11th 1940 aged 83 years.

E018: In loving memory of WALTER JOHN REDDAWAY of Cossick Farm died 14th Sept. 1978 aged 71 beloved husband of Ada and dear son of Sarah and John Reddaway. In ever loving memory of SARAH ANN beloved wife of John REDDAWAY who passed away Nov. 3rd 1933 aged 65. Also of JOHN REDDAWAY who died August 7th 1944 aged 80. Peace perfect peace. Also of ADA MAUD loving wife of the above Walter died 24th April 1996 aged 89.

E019: In loving memory of ARCHIBALD FREDERICK PENNY born 28th January 1867 died 21st September 1933. Also of his beloved wife ELIZABETH ANNETTE ISMAILIA born 20th September 1882 died 12th December 1961. Reunited in God’s own keeping.

E020: In loving memory of ALBERT VICTOR RICE the beloved husband of Elizabeth Rice who died August 20th 1933 aged 35 years. “In God’s keeping”.

E021: In loving memory of ELLEN beloved wife of A. WOTTON of “Hillcrest” died 11th March 1955 aged 73. Also of ARTHUR JOHN husband of the above died 11th May 1974 aged 86. Reunited.

E022: In loving memory of FREDERICK J. BEER the beloved child of John & Anna Maria Beer who died October 19th 1880 aged one year and four months. This lovely bud so young and fair, Called hence by early doom, Just came to show how sweet that flower, In Paradise could bloom.

E023: JOHN GAY 25.5.38 aged 55. BEATRICE GAY 3.6.79 aged 92.

E024: In loving memory of STANLEY JONES TOLE the beloved husband of Barbara died 17th Dec. 1977 aged 64.

E025: In memory of JANE DADD died November 29th 1854 aged 68 years. Also of RICHARD HARVEY DADD son of the above died February 20th 1855 aged 33 years.

E026: Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM HARVEY of North Moor in this parish, Yeoman, who died May 24th 1831 aged 73 years. Also of MARY his wife who died April 8th 1843 in her 86th year. Also of JOHN HARVEY of this parish who died October 7th 1921 aged 88 years. At rest.

E027: In memory of DANIEL HARVEY late of Laployd Farm, Bridford, who departed this life 15th September 1868 aged 75 years. Also of MARY HARVEY wife of the above who departed this life 15th April 1875 aged 71 years.

E028: Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH wife of John TAVERNER of the parish of Dunsford who departed this life October the 20th 1813 aged 28 years. Weep not for me husband and children dear, I am not dead but sleeping here, My life is run, my grave you see, Wait but a while you’ll follow me. Also of the above JOHN TAVERNER who departed this life May 19th 1868 aged 89 years. Also of ANN TAVERNER their daughter died July …… 1890 aged 31 years.

E029: In memory of GEORGE HARVEY (late of Devonport where he lived 44 years) son of Wm. & Mary Harvey. He died the 21st Novr. 1850 aged 59 years.

E030: In memory of JOHN HARVEY late of Boat Hill Farm in this parish who died Sept. 19th 1869 aged 73 years. Also of four of his children. Also of ANN HARVEY wife of the above who died March 16th 1874 aged 68 years.

E031: Sacred to the memory of MARY the daughter of John and Ann HARVEY of this parish who died May 16th 1829 aged 2 years. Also of JOHN son of the above who died September 28th 1831 aged 6 years. Also of ANN daughter of the above who died October 8th 1831 aged 2 years. Dear parents do not grieve, We are angels sleeping here. (Possibly more).

E032: Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH BIDDER who died the 11th of March 1821 aged 73 years. Also of BETTY VINEER daughter of the above who died February 14th 1851 aged 72 years.

E033: Sacred to the memory of SALATHIEL FROST who departed this life 21st July 1796 aged 46 years. Also of ELIZABETH FROST wife of the above who died July 3rd 1833 aged 85 years. Also of GILBERT FROST son of the above who died January 26th 1848 aged 76 years. Also of ROBERT TREMLETT who died February 3rd 1870.

E034: In loving memory of SARAH wife of William SAUNDERS and eldest daughter of William & Sarah Hutchings who died June 20th 1880 aged 42 years. A pining sickness gave the fatal blow, The stroke was certain but the effect was slow, With wasting pain death found me sore oppressed, Pitied my sorrows and kindly gave me rest.

E035: (Badly split slate). ……ep. 1866 ……Year ……RAH their daughter …… the above ……iam SHEARS February 13th 1886 aged 77 years. (Probably SARAH SHEARS Dec. 8 1850 7 months. ELIZABETH Aug. 31 (66).

E036: To the memory of JAMES TAVERNER who died August 3rd 1848 aged 63 years. Also of JAMES his son who died July 14th 1833 aged 19 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Also of ELIZABETH his wife who died Febry. 3rd 1871 aged 87 years.

E037: To the memory of GEORGE SAUNDERS died November 20th 1851 aged 57 years. Also of SUSANNA wife of the above who died February 4th 1871 aged 66 years. Also three of their children. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.

E038: MARY MATTHEWS died March the 16th 1825 aged 14 years. JOHN MATTHEWS died August 16th 1830 aged 56 years. SUSANNA MATTHEWS died June 7th 1835 aged 59 years.

E039: (Broken slate). …… THEWS ……year …… to the people of God …… of the above William MATTHEWS died September 10th 1896 aged 87 years.

E040: In loving memory of JOHN DALTON HORNSBY eho fell asleep 24th June 1938 aged 26. “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him”.

1 Thess. 4, 14.

E041: In memory of W.H. WILLS beloved child of George & Ann Wills born October 25th 1863 died April 29th 1872. Lead me by thy gracious hand, Till I reach the heavenly land. Also of the above ANN WILLS who died February 17th 1895 aged 70 years.

E042: In loving remembrance of FREDERICK JOHN BLACKMORE who died May 8th 1877 aged 18 years. He murmured not through all his pain, But patient as a lamb, He waited for his Saviour’s call, To that bright and better land.

E043: In affectionate memory of SAMUEL HOLE who departed this life April 25th 1884 aged 51 years. Also of five children. Also of HARRIETT HOLE who departed this life January 7th 1915 (wife and mother of the above) aged 78 years. At rest.

E044: In loving memory of GEORGE JOHN WILLS who fell asleep in Jesus May 8th 1884 aged 27 years. He sleeps in blissful hope, Constrained by Jesus’s love, He said I soon shall be caught up, To be with Christ above. Also of WILLIAM ASH nephew of the above died 16th November 1950 aged 74 years. R.I.P.

E045: In loving memory of HARRIET STAWTE who died July 16th 1913 aged 84 years. Also of her daughter ELLEN SIBLEY who died Septr. 22nd 1916 aged 59 years. THOMAS SIBLEY husband of the above who died Octr. 4th 1933 aged 76 years. Also of their son ROBERT HENRY SIBLEY who fell asleep Octr. 6th 1900 aged 7½ years.

E046: In loving memory of FRANK PARKER who died September 29th 1931 aged 73 years. Also of GEORGE his brother who died January 5th 1943 aged 80 years. At rest.

E048: In loving memory of WILLIAM JAMES beloved husband of Annie GAY who fell asleep July 11th 1936 aged 55. In God’s keeping. Also ANNIE wife of the above died February 3rd 1974 aged 81 years. Reunited.

E049: In tender remembrance of MARIE EVALINE MURDOCH who died April 14th 1866 aged 5 years. “This lovely bud so young and fair, Called hence by early doom, Just came to show how sweet a flower, In paradise will bloom”.

E050: In affectionate remembrance of RICHARD LUGG beloved child of George & Jane Lugg born 8th March 1865 died 1st December 1871. “Suffer little children to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven”.

E051: In affectionate remembrance of RICHARD HARVEY late of Howton in this parish died Sept. 12th 1874 aged 84 years. “Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in his season”. Also of ELIZABETH wife of the above Richard HARVEY died April 5th 1888 aged 91 years. “That they may rest from their labours”.

E052: In loving memory of CHARLOTTE BAKER daughter of Richard & Elizabeth Harvey of Howton in this parish who died at Stickwick, Bovey Tracey September 12th 1899 aged 65 years. “She is at rest from all the pains and sorrows, The cares and roughness of the toilsome way, The doubts, the anxious fears about the morrow, The burning heat, and burden of the day. Oh, call it not death, it if life begun, For the waters are passed, the home is won; The ransomed spirit has reached the shore, Where they weep, and suffer, and sin no more”. Also of RICHARD HOLE HARVEY brother of the above who departed this life February 21st 1910 aged 84 years.

E053: Erected to the memory of JOHN COLRIDGE who departed this life the 24th of February 1825 aged 13 years.

E054: Sacred to the memory of MARY wife of Edward PETHYBRIDGE who departed this life March 30th 1857 aged 84 years. Prepare to follow me.

E055: To the memory of JOHN CORNISH who died 9th November 1861 aged 80 years. Also of ELIZABETH wife of the above who died January 8th 1864 aged 72 years. Also of three infant children.

E056: J. LANG 1785. (Possibly John son of William, bapt. 1772).

E057: Erected to the memory of SARAH the wife of Joshua LANG who died March 19th 1810 in the 69th year of her age. Also of the above JOSHUA LANG who died April 8th 1812 in the 73rd year of his age. Also of SARAH PATE daughter of the above who died December 22nd 1869 in the 74th year of her age.

E058: E. LANG 1792. (Other possible inscriptions).

E059: In memory of JANE HUTCHINGS who departed this life the 28th day of October 1784 aged 53 years. Also ELIZABETH her daughter. Also THOMAS C…… Also HANNAH……(Stone broken away or eroded).


Sacred to the memory of AGNESS wife of Richard LEWIS who died July 22nd 1844 aged 63 years. Also of the above RICHARD LEWIS who died Sept. 29th 1851 aged 69 years. And of two of their children.

E061: In memory of WILLIAM GOODYEAR who died December 19th 1876 aged 32 years.

E062: In memory of JOSHUA SAMSON D.C.C. who died 3rd March 187aged 42 years. In the midst of life we are in death. Also of GRACE SAMPSON wife of the above who passed away May 11th 1924 aged 85. At rest. (Note: Surnames recorded as inscribed).

E063: In loving memory of EDGAR WRAYFORD who died January 20th 1927 aged 35 years, and of ARTHUR WRAYFORD his brother who passed away June 9th 1933 aged 30 years.

E064: In memory of JOHN BARRETT who died December 20th 1881 aged 40 years. Also of ALFRED son of the above who died March 17th 1880 aged 5 years.

E065: In loving memory of JOSEPH THOMAS CHUDLEY who passed peacefully away March 23rd 1942 aged 61 years. “Thy will be done”. Also of DAISY wife of the above died January 20th 1951 aged 66 years.

E066: In affectionate remembrance of ANN COLRIDGE daughter of Thomas and E. Colridge who died September 27 1883 aged 21 years.

E067: In loving memory of ELIZABETH the beloved wife of Thomas COLRIDGE who after a long and painful illness died June 29th 188aged 61 years. Not gone from memory, not from love, But to our Father’s home above.

E068: In loving memory of HARRIETT ELIZABETH PARDON died February 29th 1932 aged 64 years. Also of GEORGE her husband died Decr. 24th 1940 aged 71 years. Rest in peace.

E069: In loving memory of JOSEPH THOMAS (SAM) CHUDLEY fell asleep September 23rd 1930 aged 24 years. Peace perfect peace.

E070: In loving memory of LILY ELIZABETH TREMLETT who died May 13th 1930 aged 36 years. Peace perfect peace.

E071: In loving memory of HAROLD RIHLL DYMOND who died April 24th 1930 aged 49 years. Also of ELSIE ELLA his wife who died April 11th 1953 aged 70 years. At rest.

E072: In memory. GILBERT FRANK (WATKINS) beloved child of F. & H. Watkins died 5 Nov. 1945 aged 10 months. HILARY WATKINS 1908 – 83.

E073: In loving memory of JOHN WHITE HAMPSHEIR, D.S.C. entered into rest Dec. 11th 1936 aged 38 years. “In God’s keeping”. Also his beloved wife WINIFRED JULIET entered into rest Jan. 12th 1998 aged 99 years.

E074: In affectionate memory of ROBERT MAY of this parish who died June 7th 1865 aged 74 years. Also of his wife ANN MAY who died October 30th 1878 aged 86 years.

E075: In loving memory of MARY FAIRIE the beloved sister of Annie ROBERTS who died April 26th 1936.

E076: Erected to perpetuate the memory of ANN wife of Robert TREMLETT who departed this life April the 12th 1835. Also of FRANCES ANN daughter of the above who departed this life April the 21st 1838 aged 4 years. Also of the above ROBERT TREMLETT (44 years clerk of this parish) who departed this life August the 28th 1865 aged 66 years. Also of ANNA MARIA who died July 6th 1922 aged 91 years.

E078: Sacred to the memory of MARY the wife of Gilbert HUTCHINGS who departed this life the 29th of November 1820 in the 43rd year of her age. Also their infant child. Having found redemption, Through the blood of the ….. reader ….. hast thou ….. Died Novr. 23rd 1854 the above GILBERT HUTCHINGS aged 77 years. Also MARY his daughter born March 25 1800 died Sept. 12th 1880.


(Possibly reads as follows): In memory of JOHN PINSENT soapboiler of this parish who departed this life Oct. 11th 1800 aged 77. Also ELIZABETH his wife who died 17 April 1795 aged 76. Also their little daughter MARY who died 27 Feb. 1773 in the ….. year of her age. ELIZABETH SAVREY who died ….. 17?1 . SARAH S…UDDY died April 5th 1782 aged 21. ….. all ….. die in faith. Heb. XI. 13.

E083: Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH HALL who departed this life February the 15th 1829 aged 72 years. Also of THOMAS HALL husband of the above who departed this life December the 4th 1834 aged 79 years.

E084: Loving remembrance. ELIZABETH HILL who died Sept. 10th 1923 aged 86 years. Also of SAMUEL WOODLEY her son died May 5th 1922 and was buried at Exeter aged 56 years. At rest.

E085: In blessed memory of ANNABELLE LEE Matron of the Convalescent Home 1950 – 1961 who went to her rest 29th June 1961. Beloved by all who knew her. Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you. Also in loving memory of her elder sister EDITH LEE born 23.98.1897 died 11.01.1976. In full assurance of faith. Deep peace.

E086: In loving memory of MARY ELIZABETH beloved wife of William Henry HALL who died December 13th 1937 aged 81 years. “Until the day breaks”. Also of the above WILLIAM HENRY HALL who passed away July 21st 1943 aged 87 years. “At rest”. Also of their beloved daughter GLADYS HALL who passed away 16th September 1965. And daughter MARGARET HALL who died 22nd February 1964.

E087: Rest in peace. HAROLD GUY PERKINS died April 21st 1937.

E088: In memory of WM. HUTCHINGS who departed this life the 2nd day of Sep. 1800 aged 40 years. Also of ANN wife of the above who died the 15th of December 1824 aged 78 years.

E089: In loving memory of FREDERICK CLAMPITT died Sept. 15th 1936 aged 60 years. Also of his beloved wife LOVEDAY ANNA died Feb. 26th 1945 aged 74 years. At rest. Reunited.

E090: Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH wife of Joseph PINSENT of London who departed this life March 8th 1809 Aetat 31 years. Also of JOHN ROBERT their infant son who died Feb. 5th 1808 Aetat three months. And of MARY ANNA LAMBERT their daughter who died Jan. 28th 1809 Aetat 7 years.

E092: JOHN GERMON died 22 July 1870 aged 88 of Meacombe in this parish. SARAH PINSENT his first wife died 9 Oct. 1812 aged 36 years. ANNE LAMBERT CORWYN his second wife died 10 May 1860 aged 83 years. FRANCES GERMON died 6 Nov. 1880 aged 64 daughter of John & Anne.

E093: Sacred to the memory of SAMUEL HEWETT died 24 May 1823 aged 42 years, and his wife MARY HEWETT died 6 May 1857 aged 67 years.

E094: Sacred ….. WILLIAM STEER who died 30 July 1821 aged 68. …..MARY STEER wife of the above died Nov. 30th 1846 aged 87 years.

E095: In affectionate memory of MARY AUSTIN the beloved wife of John Austin who died 16th December 1871 aged 69 years. Also of ANNIE the dearly loved wife of William HOARE and daughter of the above who peacefully fell asleep June 2nd 1917 aged 68 years. “Peace perfect peace”. Also ANNE ADA PROUT died May 14th 1957 aged 81 years.

E096: In affectionate memory of JOHN AUSTIN who died 6th October 1870 aged 69 years. Also of WILLIAM HOARE the dearly loved husband of Annie Hoare who fell asleep August 4th 1927 aged 76 years. Then with the morn those angel faces smile, Which we have loved long since and lost awhile.

E097: Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM WOOLLAND late of Sloncombe in this parish who departed this life June the 3rd 1829 aged 59. Also MARY wife of the above who departed this life December 29th 1846 aged 66. (Possibly more).

E098: Sacred to the memory of ANNA PACK who died May 23rd 1865 aged 10 years. Whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

E099: In affectionate remembrance of GEORGE HILL who departed this life March 17th 1879 aged 47 years. He hath gone and the grave hath received him, Twas Jesus who called him away: He is gone to the Lord who redeemed him, From night to the splendour of day. Thy will be done. Also of SAMUEL beloved husband of Elizabeth HILL who died May 8th 1920 aged 83 years. At rest.

E100: MARY PLEACE born 5th August

GEORGE PLEACE born 12th March 1857 died 17th March 1944. At rest.

E101: DANIEL HARVEY late of Wooston Farm, who died January 18th 1936 aged 76 years. Also of his beloved wife BEATRICE ANNIE died 19th February 1969 aged 89. At rest.

E102: In loving memory of ANNIE wife of Arthur JONES died Jany. 10th 1936. At rest.

E103: In loving memory of EMMA HEYWARD who died at Middle Sloncombe May 10th 1925 aged 46 years. Thy will be done.

E104: Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM husband of Susan DICKER who died Jule 19th 1838 aged 33 years. Also of his infant son aged 6 months. A tender husband and father dear, A faithful friend lies sleeping here.


Sacred to the memory of ANNA wife of William BENNETT who departed this life the 6th of October 1824 aged 42 years. Also of WILLIAM BENNETT husband of the above who departed this life December 20th 1828 aged 58 years. Who lived respected and died lamented. A pining sickness gave the fatal blow, The stroke was certain but the effect was slow, With wasting pain God saw me sore oppressed, Pitied my sighs and kindly gave me rest.

E106: In loving memory of JOHN LEE who died 30th June 1890 aged 82 years. Also of BETSY his beloved wife who died 19th April 1887 aged 77 years. Also GEORGE LEE their son who died 11th July 1853 aged 12 years. Their end was peace.

E107: In loving memory of SIDNEY LEE who died March 14th 1890 aged 38 years. Not gone from memory, Not gone from love, But gone to his Father’s home above.

E108: In loving memory of MARGARET CUMING died September 1st 1937 aged 22 years. Also of BERT CUMING her brother killed in action N.W. Europe April 10th 1945 aged 26 years. In loving memory of ALBERT CUMING aged 81. EDITH MARY CUMING aged 78.

E109: HENRY HUTTON April 19th 1937 aged 90 years. JANE M.H. HUTTON July 29th 1944 aged 87 years. JANIE CANN HUTTON 11th October 1969 aged 81 years. ETHEL CANN HUTTON 5th September 1969 aged 83 years. CAROLINE MAY HUTTON who died August 27th 1925 aged 30 years. HENRY GEORGE HUTTON July 14th 1947 aged 58 years. R.I.P.

E110: E.M. 1901.

E111: In loving memory of MATTHEW STEPHEN COX beloved husband of A.E. Cox who died May 6th 1933. Abide with me. Also of the above AMELIA ELIZABETH COX who died Feby. 18th 1940. At rest.

E112: In memory of ELIZABETH wife of Moses Woolland HARVEY Solicitor of this parish born July 27th 1807 died October 31st 1854. Also of SELINA their daughter born March 3rd 1838 died June 21st 1857. Also of the said MOSES WOOLLAND HARVEY born October 11th 1799 died November 28th 1871 aged 72 years. Also of AMELIA GEORGINA HARVEY second wife of the above born August 28th 1809 died February 19th 1872. WILLIAM E113: PHILLIPS HARVEY Solicitor born July 15th 1836 died June 19th 1894.

E113: In memory of JOHN ANDERSON PYBUS RAMSAY died November 8th 1937.

E114: Sacred to the memory of JESSIE PETHYBRIDGE who died October 3rd 1858 aged 2 years and 8 months. Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care, The opening bud to heaven conveyed, And bade it blossom there. Also of LAURA PETHYBRIDGE mother of the above who died August 13th 1863 aged 36 years.

E115: ARTHUR EDWARD EVANS passed away February 7th 1934. Also of his wife LILIAN AGNES MARY EVANS died Nov. 17th 1945. At rest.

E116: Sacred to the memory of THOMAS AMERY slept in Jesus February 9th 1863 aged 64 years.

E117: In memory of MARY the wife of Robert ENDACOTT who died January 6th 1847 in the 79th year of her age. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Also of the above ROBERT ENDACOTT who died June 24th 1859 aged 91 years. Also of ROBERT ENDACOTT son of the above who died February 26th 1873 aged 71 years.

E118: In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM ROWNEY died December 11th 1877 aged 67 years. (Verse?).

E119: In memory of WILLIAM KERSLAKE who died December 1st 1885 aged 89 years. Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age as a shock of corn cometh in in his season.

E120: In affectionate remembrance of THIRZA ROLSTON who died March 18th 1887 aged 49 years. God giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

E121: In loving memory of LUCY BRIDGMAN beloved daughter of C. & E. Wannell who died November 23rd 1887 aged 17 years. Remember how short thy time is. Also of CHARLES WANNELL father of the above who died March 31st 1899 aged 64 years. Thy will be done. Also of EMMA MARY WANNELL his wife who died May 5th 1924 aged 80 years. At rest.

E122: In loving memory of BERTHA the dearly loved wife of George John WANNELL who died August 28th 1916 aged 40 years. Kept by the power of God. Peter 1.5. Also of GEORGE JOHN WANNELL who died December 30th 1960 aged 84 years. At rest.

E123: In loving memory of ELIZABETH LASKEY the beloved wife of Richard Knapman WANNELL who died December 15th 1924 aged 65 years. Peace perfect peace. Also of the above RICHARD KNAPMAN WANNELL who died April 12th 1937 aged 81 years. At rest.

E124: In loving memory of EMMA SELINA DYMENT who died August 29th 1930 aged 79 years. Also of JAMES DYMENT died Feb. 12th 1936 aged 77 years.

E125: In affectionate remembrance of JOSEPH WOTTON who died December 23rd 1891 aged 63 years. I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Come unto me and rest, Lay down thou weary one lay down, Thy head upon my breast”. Also of ELIZABETH wife of the above who died March 3rd 1915 aged 83 years. Thy will be done. Also of ALBERT GEORGE grandson of the above who died June 24th 1945 aged 54.

E126: In loving memory of ELIZABETH beloved wife of William WOTTON who passed away April 1st 1928 aged 77 years. Thy will be done. Also of the above WILLIAM WOTTON who passed away Octr. 8th 1933 aged 81 years.

E127: EDWARD POLKINHORNE SPRY died on Feb. 9th 1929 aged 79 years. Also of PHILIPPA JANE his wife who died February 14th 1937 aged 87 years. He giveth his beloved sleep.

E128: In loving memory of MARY ELLEN wife of Thomas WILLS of Pepperdon who passed peacefully away Febry. 5th 1930 aged 66 years. Rest eternal grant unto her O Lord. Also of the above THOMAS WILLS died Novr. 2nd 1937 aged 72 years. At rest.

E129: In loving memory of ELIZABETH L. (BESSIE) PALMER who died Septr. 21st 1929 aged 71 years. Also of JOHN PALMER her husband who died January 2nd 1933 aged 75 years. At rest.

E130: In loving memory of ALBERT EDWARD RIHLL who died on December 15th 1924 aged 46 years. Come unto me and I will refresh you.

E131: In loving memory of THOMAS PERCY Ex Constable, Devon County Police, late of Christow, who died Decr. 11th 1927 aged 89 years. He trusted in the Lord, and waited patiently for him. At rest.

E132: In loving memory of CHARLES BAILEY died Novr. 10th 1928 aged 67 years. Also of ELIZABETH BAILEY his wife died March 21st 1933 aged 77 years. Until the day break.

E133: In loving memory of THOMAS SCOTT SMITH beloved son of Albert & Ellen Smith who died September 26th 1928 aged 18 years. Thy will be done.

E134: NORMAN beloved son of Arthur & Anne JONES who died Dec. 28th 1927 aged 4 years. “Jesus called him away”.

E135: To the dear memory of ELLEN SMITH the beloved wife of Albert Smith who entered into rest May 28th 1925 aged 39 years. “Until the day break and the shadows flee away”. Also of ALBERT SMITH who entered into rest June 6th 1930 aged 47 years. “With Christ which is far better”.

The gift of God is eternal life. Rom. ….

E136: In loving memory of GEORGE KERSLAKE the beloved husband of Elizabeth Ann Wills fell asleep February 12th 1932 aged 52 years. “With Christ which is far better”. Also of ELIZABETH ANN fell asleep April 2nd 1968 aged 87 years. “In thy presence is fulness of joy”. In loving memory of ELSIE EMMA BAKER youngest daughter of the above who passed away peacefully May 29th 1971 aged 60 years. In heavenly love abiding.

E137: WILLIAM LONEY Inspector General of Royal Naval Hospitals died 27th July 1898, and of his widow.

E138: In dear remembrance of FREDERICK EDWARD GLIDDON born at Exeter July 11 1832 died at Moretonhampstead Dec.12th 1871. (Possibly more).

E139: In ever loving memory of SUSAN wife of the late Thomas WILLS who departed this life 26th June 1913 aged 77 years, of Moor Barton in this parish. “He giveth his beloved sleep”. ANNIE WILLS daughter of the above died at Leign February 24th 1944 aged 73 years. “Peace perfect peace”. Also in loving memory of THOMAS HENRY DICKER beloved husband of Jessye late of Leign Farm who died 6th December 1970 aged 73 years. And JESSYE SUSANNAH beloved wife of Henry who died 4th May 1988 aged 90 years.

E140: In affectionate memory of WILLIAM HEYWARD who died Nov. 22nd 1871 aged 79 years. Also of his daughter ANN HEYWARD who died 4th June 1868 aged 39 years. Also of ANN HEYWARD wife and mother of the above who died March 7th 1874 aged 68 years. “Blessed are the dead which died in the Lord”. Also of MARY JANE HEYWARD daughter of the above who died September 18th 1903 aged 64 years. “At rest”.

E141: In memory of WILLIAM son of John & Elizth. MOCK died 29th July 1862 aged 6 years. And of GRACE their daughter died 10th Aug. 1862 aged 8 years. Also of the above JOHN MOCK died Sept. 16th 1901 aged 83 years. And of ELIZABETH his wife died Novr. 9th 1899 aged 81 years.

E142: In memory of AGNES MARY DAGGETT died 20th January 1936.

E143: Sacred to the memory of COLONEL HENRY A. HAMMOND H.E.I.C.S. died 31st May 1934. “He being dead yet speaketh”. Also of MILDRED L. HAMMOND his beloved wife died 18th January 1943.

E144: In loving memory of FRANK the beloved husband of Gladys WOTTON who died August 28th 1935 aged 56 years. He giveth his beloved sleep. Also of GLADYS LOUISA wife of the above who died December 31st 1972 aged 82 years. Reunited.

E145: In loving memory of SARAH BERRY who died February 4th 1885 aged 79 years. With Christ which is far better. Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours, Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers. Also of WILLIAM BERRY husband of the above who died at Stoke November 29th 1887 aged 84 years. Absent from the body – Present with the Lord. Also of SARAH JANE BEER daughter of the above who entered into rest at Dawlish June 27th 1910 in her 81st year. Peace perfect peace with loved ones far away, In Jesus’s keeping we are safe and they. EDITH MARY OUGH daughter of Sarah Jane Beer died 8th March 1956 aged 90.

E146: He brought down my strength in my journey and shortened my day nevertheless not my will but thine be done. In affectionate remembrance of GEORGE JOHN WILLS born 144th May 1846 died July 13th 1892. In the midst of life we are in death. Also of ELIZABETH ANN WILLS wife of the above who fell asleep in Jesus Janry. 24th 1904 aged 56 years. Therefore be ye also ready. Matt. 24 c. 44 v. Also of LAURA LOUISA BASTIN elder daughter of the above who fell asleep November 25th 1944 aged 71 years. For so He giveth his beloved sleep. Psalm 127. 2.

E147: Satisfied when I awake in Thy likeness. In revered and tender memory of LAURA FRIEND who was called into her Saviour’s presence July 13th 1921 there to await the resurrection morn. Also of HARRY FRIEND husband of the above who was called home September 5th 1922. In His presence is fullness of joy. Ps. 16,11.

E148: In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM CORNELIUS who died July 23rd 1887 aged 82 years. Also of ANN CORNELIUS wife of the above who died Septr. 13th 1894 aged 89 years. And now, Lord, what is my hope. Truly my hope is even in Thee. Psalm XXXIX 6 verse.

E149: In loving memory of JOHN PARKER who died August 2nd 1887 aged 66 years. He is gone from pain and sorrow, He is gone from toil and care, He is gone to be with Jesus, And we hope to meet him there. Also of ELIZABETH wife of the above who died July 3rd 1904 aged 80 years. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: blessed be the name of the Lord. John 1, 21. Also of SELINA PARKER daughter of the above who passed peacefully away July 22nd 1929 aged 69 years. At rest.

E150: In loving memory of MATILDA wife of Samuel BANBURY died Feb. 6th 1910.

E151: In loving memory of MARY BANBURY beloved wife of Samuel Banbury who died May 1st 1890 aged 52 years. She is gone from pain and sorrow, She is gone from toil and care, She is gone to be with Jesus, And we hope to meet her there. Also of the above SAMUEL BANBURY who died May 21st 1919 aged 85 years.

E152: In loving memory of ALICE the beloved daughter of R. & E. WANNELL who died December 9 1918 aged 23 years.

E153: In loving memory of WILLIAM STAPLETON who passed away Septr. 20th 1922 aged 67 years. Also of GRACE his beloved wife who passed away Octr. 9th 1924 aged 82 years. Also of their daughter MARY ELLEN WALLIS who died April 22nd 1931 aged 52 years. Earth hath one suffering the less, And heaven one soul the more.

E154: In loving memory of GEORGE LEY LANGMEAD who passed peacefully away May 26th 1923 aged 73. Peace perfect peace. Also of his wife MARY ELLEN LANGMEAD who died April 6th 1936 aged 77.

E155: In loving memory of JOYCE EMILY FONE died 22nd May 1946 aged 6 months.

E156: In loving memory of SUSAN the beloved wife of George WEBBER who departed this life October 15th 1897 aged 68 years. Also of the above GEORGE WEBBER who died August 13th 1906 aged 75 years. At rest.

E157: In loving memory of JOHN HAMLYN died April 6th 1943 aged 54 years. Also of his sister ELIZA HAMLYN who died Dec. 19th 1953 aged 71 years. At rest.

E158: In memory of J. BEVAN who died in 1854 also his wife who died in 1859. And of ESTHER their daughter who died 1877 aged 63 years.

E158: God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. In loving memory of THOMAS WILLS second son of John and B.B. Wills who died June 11th 1929 aged 77 years. We know that when he shall appear we shall be like him. 1 John 3, 2. WILLIAM HENRY WILLS fell asleep June 6th 1953 aged 89 years. The blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John 1, 7. Also MABEL M. WILLS wife of the above died Jan. 12th 1961 aged 88 years.

E160: I know that my redeemer liveth, be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer. In loving memory of BETSY BAILEY the beloved wife of John WILLS who died October 19th 1878 aged 56 years. In whom we have redemption through his blood. Ephesians 1, 7. JOHN WILLS who died February 22nd 1882 aged 58 years. In the midst of life we are in death. Also of MARK their third son the beloved husband of Mary Lethbridge Wills who fell asleep Novr. 15th 1935 aged 81 years. God is our refuge and strength. Psalm 46, 1. Also the above MARY LETHBRIDGE WILLS who passed away March 11th 1943 aged 86 years. The eternal God is thy refuge and strength and underneath are the everlasting arms. Deut. 33, 27.

E161: The eternal God is thy refuge and strength and underneath are the everlasting arms. In loving memory of ALICE WILLS third daughter of John and B.B. Wills who fell asleep July 18th 1888 aged 28 years.Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. Also of their second daughter ELIZABETH C. WILLS who fell asleep April 24th 1890 aged 32 years. In thy presence is fulness of joy. Also of their youngest daughter MARY ANN WILLS who fell asleep Octr. 14th 1911 aged 49 years. Until the day break and the shadows flee away. And of their niece ELIZABETH ARSCOTT CROSS aged 82 years. With Christ January 11th 1959. Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty.

E162: In loving memory of THIRZA CATHERINE the beloved wife of George CANN who entered into rest July 26th 1888 aged 68. …… that sow in tears shall reap in joy. Also of the above GEORGE CANN who entered into rest January 31st 1892 aged 73. Take ye heed. Watch and pray for ye know not when the time is.

E163: In loving and affectionate memory of MARY THIRZA wife of James M. SAUNDERS who died October 6th 1888 aged 68 years. Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth. Also of the above JAMES M. SAUNDERS who died October 6th 1903 aged 81 years. Also of CLARA daughter of the above born August 24th 1851 died July 30th 1929. Thy will be done.

E164: In loving memory of LUCIE ELIZABETH wife of W.J. SAUNDERS who died April 15th 1889 aged 31. Not gone from memory, Not gone from love, But gone to her father’s home above. Also of REGINALD WM. ELLIOTT son of the above who died April 27th 1916 aged 31.

E165: In loving memory of ELIZABETH wife of George SATTERLEY who died January 12th 1890 aged 55 years. For here we have no continuing city. Also of the above GEORGE SATTERLEY who died August 22nd 1920 aged 84 years.

E166: In loving memory of HELENA STEER who fell asleep in Jesus June 25th 1890 aged 22 years.

E167: In loving memory of ANNIE youngest daughter of the late Thomas REED, Slieveroe, Stranooden, Monaghan, Ireland, died Novbr. 3rd 1923 aged 70 years.

E168: In memory of AMY ELIZABETH wife of C.E. REYNOLDS died April 11th 1924 aged 58.

E169: In loving memory of ALICE the dearly beloved wife of Sydney W. TROTT of Willowray, Lustleigh, fell asleep Feb. 18 1925. Also of SYDNEY WALTER TROTT her husband died Sept. 8th 1935 aged 76 years.

E170: The Lord send peace. JOHN M.C. FRASER died April 29th 1925. FLORA H. FRASER his wife died Decr. 20th 1927.

E171: ALMA JESSIE MacGEORGE 28th January 1932.

E172: In loving memory of AMELIA widow of the late Rev. TREVOR Rector of Uphill, Somerset, died February 4th 1898 aged 96.

E173: In loving memory of MARY GRACE the beloved wife of George BENNETT of Wadebridge, Cornwall, and daughter of S. And M.A. Croot of this town who died in London May 21st 1896 aged 45 years. Beloved in life, lamented in death.

E174: In loving memory of JAMES HORRELL who died January 20th 1905 aged 74. Also of GRACE wife of the above who died April 8th 1896 aged 49. AMY G. M-D. HORRELL died November 1967.

E175: Sacred /….. JOHN JORDAN ….. also of CATHERINE JORDAN wife of the above ….. 22nd ….. (Possible quotation).

E176: In memory of JOHN COURTIER …… aged 80. And MARIA his wife died 10 September 1868 aged 84.

E177: In memory of ANN daughter of George and Susan WEBBER who died July 11th 1861 aged years.

E178: In loving memory of ADA CAROLINE CANN who entered into rest Janry. 2nd 1911 aged 51 years. So He giveth His beloved sleep. Also of THIRZA HOLE CANN who entered into rest Janry. 1st 1919 aged 57 years. Peace perfect peace.

E179: In tender memory of THOMAS PITTMAN HAFFNER who fell asleep in Jesus 14th Novr. 1901 aged 83 years. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, ever so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. 1st Thessalonians 4th chap. 14th v.

E180: In loving memory of EMMA CATHERINE TAYLOR who was called to her rest October 18th 1910 aged 68. Also of JESSE PAUL TAYLOR who fell asleep April 7th 1923 aged 89 years.

E181: In loving memory of JOSEPH LITTLE Wesleyan Minister. December 3rd 1911 aged 90 years. “My times are in thy hand”.

E182: In memoriam. JOSEPH FELL Priest, sometime Rector of Scothorne, Lincs. entered into rest Aug. 12th 1912. “I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come”. Also of ELLEN CAROLINE FELL his beloved wife entered into rest June 14th 1934.

E183: In loving memory of ARTHUR E. SWANNELL who entered the homeland March 29th 1913 aged 42. “Peace perfect peace”.

E184: In loving memory of JULIA ELPHINSTONE beloved wife of William Courtenay Clack Rector of this parish who died May 15th 1895 aged 69 years. Also of the above WILLIAM COURTENAY CLACK 35 years Rector of this parish died Decr. 19th 1900 aged 83 years.